Wildlife Safari Africa
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African Safari, Masai Mara, Kenya P1. P2. P3. P4.

The Coke's Hartebeest is an odd looking thing, with its long thin face and Prince Charles ears. Masai Mara National Park was one of the very few places where we saw them, reasonably close up.

Plenty of hippopotamus, too, sharing the river with quite a few crocodile. It is quite difficult to gauge the size of these animals until you get close to them, out of the water.

And once you do, it may already be too late to gauge how fast they can run, and how determined they are to encourage you not to return. They are unfriendly - you need to listen!!

Quite a few spotted hyaena, too, but we spotted no striped hyaena in Masai Mara. This spotted hyaena seemed quite curious and came close to investigate what we were up to.

Like a pit bull, one minute they look quite clean and respectable. In a moment they are wild to the core.

The impala were plentiful and readily spotted due to their relatively large herds.

A jackal completely indifferent to our presence, strolls by, within a couple of feet.

The Masai Mara was probably the best all round animal viewing Safari National Park that we visited, but Amboseli and Sweetwater were pretty much equal in animal viewing terms. If you are planning a Kenya wildlife safari, visit these three.

But be warned, the roads, particularly into and out of Masai Mara are dreadful. Many people fly into and out of the game park. We could not as we had a lot of gear with us and so had to go by road. Very, very rough, dusty, dirty going, but, ultimately well worth the effort.

cokes hartebeest masai mara
impala masai mara pictures
spotted hyaena masai amra
impala masai mara images
Masai Mara jackal
All images Copyright Avery Little