Wildlife Safari Africa
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African Safari, Jackal

Jackals were plentiful in Masai Mara and Sweetwater. In fact there were not many places where we did not encounter jackals on our African Safari.

I'm not sure about photograph one, but the two photos beneath it are Silver Back Jackals from Masai Mara.

The two bottom pictures are also Masai Mara. The cheetah had taken a gazelle or impala, it was too quick to be sure what he had taken.

Jackals were quickly on the scene to try to scrounge something from the kill. Accompanied by another jackal this one tried to distract the cheetah from his breakfast, presumably in the hope of being able to dash in and grab a share. The first jackal left after a few scares from the cheetah, but the second one persisted.

He continually marched up and down behind the cheetah, at times well within striking distance. The cheetah largely ignored him, but just occasionally reacted and chased the jackal a short distance.

The jackal invariably returned and in the confusion eventually managed to grab a leg and escape with it.

But then it was his turn to be harried and surrounded by vultures he spent much of his time trying to defend his prize.

As he had been successful with the cheetah, so the vultures had their small success, grabbing a few bits from the jackals portion.

Shortly afterwards, the cheetah left, leaving behind a substantial portion of gazelle for everyone to share. Table manners were generally poor.

Amboseli National Park was one of our top three destinations, alongside Sweetwater and Masai Mara.

amboseli jackal
Masai Mara Jackal pictures
jackal cheetah
jackal photography masai mara
jackal vultures masai mara
masai mara silver back jackal
All images Copyright Avery Little