Wildlife Safari Africa
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African Safari, Leopard

Of the big five animals, lion, elephant, cape buffalo, leopard and rhinoceros the leopard is by far the most difficult to spot.

These few shots are the result of four days of stalking and hiding.

The leopard was extremely well hidden and would only reveal himself very occasionally. We waited and watched for several hours with nothing to show for it.

But unfortunately, word got out that we had found him and within a very short time dozens of vehicles descended on our location.

In what was by far the worst example of extreme bad behaviour we have ever seen, after hanging about at a good distance for around ten minutes, one of the van drivers could not be bothered to wait any longer and drove straight at the leopards location, frightening him to his feet.

Immediately most of the other van drivers then did exactly the same, one driver almost hitting the by now surrounded leopard, another getting stuck in the tricky conditions.

I gave them all a very clear piece of my mind, which amused them greatly. We left the to it, by now the leopard was running for his life anyway, and the "safari visitors" were celebrating their close ups of the leopard.

We will not be sharing information quite so readily in the future.

Amboseli National Park was one of our top three destinations, alongside Sweetwater and Masai Mara.


leopard photgraphs keny safari
leopard masai mara
masai mara leopard
leopard sighting safari photographs
All images Copyright Avery Little